Jess Schuster

Jess Schuster

If Jess isn’t sitting on the couch with her roomie and fellow trainer, Ally, watching Love Island and eating sushi, you can catch her werkin’ on her fitness or running a company with her brother. As a South Florida Native, born and raised, Jess took a brief hiatus to live in NYC to pursue the corporate life. Suffice to say, she needed an outlet and quickly fell in love with Rumble. So much so, that she knew she needed to be a part of it, some way, somehow. After hanging up her stilettos and suit jacket, she made her way back to the 6th Borough of NY…AKA South Florida to kick it with Rumble Fort Lauderdale. You’ll usually catch Jess with a big smile on her face. After all, she was the winner of the “Little Miss Sunshine” paper plate award 4 years in a row. But, as Drake once said, "I just flipped the switch," which is exactly what happens to her when the gloves come on. Growing up as an athlete and the middle child between two brothers, Jess learned a thing or two about holding her own and never quitting. No wonder boxing came naturally to her…it might be safe to say she’s had some practice. Having developed that competitive edge over the years, Jess’s number one rule is that you’re only in competition with yourself. Jess is not only showing up with strong energy, but with a strong shoe game too. Rest assured, each class will come at you with the best in music AND shoes.

East Boca Raton Schedule