Colby grew up a tomboy and played every sport imaginable. But in high school, she got into theatre and performance and began recording her own hip hop music. So, with her superpowers combined, she’s basically been training for the Rumble podium since birth. Fast forward to today and Colby is still little (5’2”) and scrappy as hell. After taking a Muay Thai class three years ago, she’s been molding herself into a fighting machine ever since. Her background in MMA also means she knows the exact training it takes to become an agile athlete—whether you have to kick, punch, sprint, climb, or lift your way there. But, like her formative years, she’s a complicated mix. While she’s dangerous with the gloves on and pushes you on the treadmill like no one’s business, her innate state is more goofball than combat queen. She trains with grace and precision but spills all over herself whenever wearing white. Hey, life is complicated, and Colby keeps it 100% REAL. Fighter. Goofball. Hip hop artist. Motivator. Try to put Colby in a single box. We dare you.

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