The 10-round, 50-minute workout is evenly divided between two styles of training. Half of the class is spent on custom treads: sprinting, climbing, pushing, and dare we say even recovering. The other half of class is spent with a variety of resistance tools: pressing, pulling, squatting, crunching, and jumping. The intervals are authentic and intense, the activities are varied, and the sweat is real.

Less boxer. More athlete. You can think of it as all of the training you might do in preparation for a fight that ISN’T boxing. While the class architecture is similar (10 rounds, 3 minute rounds, two styles of training), the workout is completely fresh. The custom Rumble treads have been meticulously crafted for power and ease of use. Add to that a wider variety of resistance options on the floor and the workout is a whole new way to Rumble.