Stevie (the Blessed) has a wide range of talents and skills that make up her unique presence within the community. She’ll heal your soul as a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner while making your muscles swole. Her Beautiful Mind will have you throwing combos you never thought possible, as she is obsessed with patterns! She will sing as you fight, inviting you into her expressive culture, inspired by movement, hip hop, and connection. Amazingly, Rumble Trainer is her first job in the fitness industry. Stevie has always found her individualism and powerful vibe through awareness of her clients needs which shines through every class with her personal connections with her fellow Rumblers! Growing up as the middle child, and the oldest of a blended 5 child family, Stevie can hold her own… she is a bad B! Join @healingraeoflight for an inspirational, entertaining and kick ass class! Her intention driven coaching style will have you learning something new about your own energy every single class.