

Kelsey was a real life Karate kid growing up. She received her Jr. Black Belt level 6 back in the day. Kelsey is originally from San Diego, California and is ready to bring the HEAT. She graduated with her bachelors degree from University of Arizona and received her Masters degree from San Diego State University. Kelsey is a teacher by day and a bad ass by night. She teaches 26 third graders and is ready to bring in her educational background into her Rumble Classes. She has traveled to 20 different countries so when she's not teaching or coaching, you can probably find her across seas. ✈️ Kelsey fell in love with Rumble the second she took a class and decided she wanted to further her education in boxing and become a trainer. She loves the power and motivation of Rumble classes and is so excited to share her love with you all. Get ready to sweat, dance, and throw some punches in the studio!!

Gilbert Schedule