We know you're gonna ask, so let's get it out of the way. It's pronounced "Caesar-ee"—but a confused hand wave or, "Hey you!" will get the job done, too. Cezary's globetrotting adventures began in Poland at the young age of zero. He has since also lived in Germany, France, NYC, Texas, Indiana, Oregon, and now resides alongside Karl the Fog in beautiful San Francisco. As a kid, Cezary loved watching Star Wars and tinkering with computers. Now, as an adult.... well, nothing's changed. He earned two degrees (one in Computer Science and one in Mathematics) and still keeps up with every new Star Wars book that comes out. Don't let the nerdy backdrop fool you though—he's also trained in Taekwondo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, and teaches yoga. He played trumpet for over seven years and has, on occasion, been known to attempt to produce music, too. Much like Rumble itself, Cezary embodies the fusion of technology, movement, and music, so you can expect classes to be rhythmic, thoughtful, and refreshing. Just don't be surprised to hear the Star Wars theme every now and again.