You can tell a lot about a person based on the way they handle their food allergy. Our dear friend Bryan, for example, is quasi allergic to avocado. But is he going to let that get in his way when chips and guac are offered? Absolutely not. This, folks, is how Bryan goes about his life: fearlessly and joyously. Bryan (a.k.a. BeeKay) was born and raised in — you guessed it — Brooklyn, baby. He’s been killing it in the fitness world for the last 10+ years teaching and training in everything from HIIT to running to Olympic weightlifting. But don’t let that intimidate you in the Rumble studio; Bryan is here for workouts that feel like a celebration. If the man won’t let an allergy get in the way of enjoying a meal, there’s no way he’s going to allow a little discomfort and hard work get in the way of a good time.